Category: Data


From software SIRI presented by Apple in 2011, to the self-driving cars already on the streets of Silicon Valley, artificial intelligence (IA) does not stop progress. Although sci-fi movies and books like to portray AI as increasingly human-like robots, this technology actually encompasses many other applications.

Artificial intelligence is developing so fast (machine learning, deep learning, bots, mixed reality…). Some companies fear the complexity of technologies and their implementation, not to mention the costs of investing in artificial intelligence solutions and software. However, the uses of AI are democratizing offering a different management of problems that is more efficient, and there are very simple apps to get started. And, in all sectors (commerce, finance, health, agriculture, banking, medicine, industry, etc.), the benefits are there: personalized and proactive commitment customers, better autonomy and collaborative work of employees.

What exactly is artificial intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that allows machines to learn from experience, adapt to new data, and perform human tasks . Most examples of AI making headlines these days (from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars) rely heavily on the deep learning and natural language processing. With these technologies, it is possible to train computers to perform certain tasks by processing large amounts of data and finding patterns.

Artificial Intelligence is no longer science fiction. Indeed, it is clear that Siri, Alexa, Cortana, chatbots or intelligent robots have invested in the real world</span >. With its ability to learn, AI is spreading in all activities of the company: from the production chain, to customer relations, including logistics, research, and even human resources.

Some applications of artificial intelligence
    1. AI at the service of customer relations

Let’s take the example of customer service: “in this context, AI translates into the implementation of typical virtual assistants Siri or chatbots to collect customer data by asking them about their problems, their frustrations or their level of satisfaction. Besides the debottlenecking of customer service.

1- Merchant sites

AI is also playing an increasingly important role for online sales sites. It suggests new articles to consult based on the user’s history, as well as the navigation of other visitors. Sorting centers, for the preparation of goods, are also managed by AI with the growing use of robots which, in an incessant ballet, transport products from one station to another.

2- Emails

E-mails rely heavily on artificial intelligence to optimize their operation and improve the user experience. Spam filters benefit greatly from AI.

3- Navigation apps

Artificial intelligence has changed our traffic habits, thanks to navigation apps like Waze or Google Maps. These determine the shortest route and estimate the arrival time. They can even take real-time traffic into account to automatically modify the trajectory to avoid traffic jams.

4- Search engines

Search engines could hardly function without artificial intelligence, given the colossal size of the web. AI is deployed in the form of robots that crawl sites to index them, but also to rank them and determine the order of presentation according to search terms.

It even allows you to customize the results according to the type of search: display the weather, the distribution of a film, or even perform calculations or currency conversions. Google also offers its Google Suggest feature, the predictive search that displays while typing the query, which attempts to guess the search based on its indexing, frequent searches, and user history.

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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Business Intelligence

In today’s data driven world, businesses face an overload of data and businesses that want to work smarter are investing in ways to control and understand that data.

Business intelligence, also known as “business intelligence” or “business intelligence” refers to all the solutions using information technology (IT) allowing companies analyze data for the benefit of their decision-making.

Business Intelligence at the service of your company

Business intelligence programs can have many benefits for the company. They enable accelerate and improve decision-making, optimize internal processes, increase operating efficiency, generate new revenue, and gain a competitive edge. BI systems also help businesses identify market trends at identify issues that need to be resolved and make both tactical and strategic decisions.

BI can help you:
  1. Find where and how to increase profits
  2. Analyze customer behavior
  3. Compare data with competitors
  4. Track business performance
  5. Optimize operations
  6. Predict the chances of success of new initiatives
  7. Identify market trends
  8. Identify business issues
Examples of BI:
  1. Data mining
  2. Reporting
  3. Performance indicators and benchmarking
  4. Descriptive analytics
  5. Queries
  6. Statistical Analysis
  7. Data visualization
  8. Data preparation
BI steps:

1. Data collection

This involves extracting data from the company’s various sources (production systems), transforming it, and loading it into the database. data.


2. Data storage

It is about centralizing structured and processed data so that it is available for decision-making use, easy to analyze.


3. The distribution or restitution of data

It consists of using different tools to restore information in a usable form for decision-making.


4. Data Mining

Cleaned, consolidated, accessible, and stored data is now ready for analysis by end users or analysts.

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There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier


Cryptography is the science of encryption and decryption of data. Cryptography is used to ensure integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of data. Integrity means that the data has not been modified. Confidentiality means that data is not readable by other users. Data authenticity means that what was received is what was sent. User authentication means that the user has provided one or more proofs of their identity.

Authentication mechanisms mathematically check data source or the proof of identity. Encryption mechanisms scramble data</span > so that the data is not readable by an observer. Cryptographic services provide authentication and encryption mechanisms to applications and users.

Cryptography at the service of your business

Cryptography dates back to the great history of secret messages and other codes. Closer to home, cryptography is making its mark today in the digital and business space. Today, you don’t have to be a spy or a secret agent to use cryptography.

Cryptology today is the subject of a strong market demand: it is no longer just a matter of marginally using a cryptographic process to ensure a specific function, such as access control, but of designing a global security architecture with cryptology as the cornerstone.

The more we advance in time, the more the threats multiply and diversify</span >, so the risk of compromising of files or messages is growing. Hence the importance of cryptography, whose mission, viewed very broadly, is that only the initial recipient of a message or document can read it . In the event of a data leak for example, or the interception of a confidential email, encrypting your emails becomes essential and can avoid the sometimes dramatic consequences for the company.

Cryptography can receive many applications within your company. Two use cases are generally applicable: on the one hand, the protection of the company against various cyber threats, and on the other hand, a obligation to secure data imposed by the GDPR. In both cases, encrypting data becomes essential .

Protection against external threats requires protecting your communications, whether they are messages sent between teams or to destination from third parties (customers, partners, suppliers), but also from the storage of your files on cloud applications, these, which are increasingly used by companies, only offer security fairly weak to their users and the files stored there. Again, it is then necessary to use a third-party cryptography solution to ensure the Cloud encryption.

Your data travels, but not your security!

La sécurité informatique consiste traditionnellement en une «protection périmétrique» comme un antivirus, des pare-feu, etc. Cependant, comme il s’agit de données partagées, ce type de protection n’assure pas leur sécurité à toutes les étapes de leur parcours, ce qui constitue un risque de confidentialité pour votre entreprise.

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Need to encrypt your emails or your conversations, to ensure the security of your data and their confidentiality?

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Big Data

Cevery second, we procreate approximately 29,000 Gigabytes (GB) of data worldwide, or 2.5 trillion bytes of data every day. It’s the information from everywhere: messages we send to each other, videos we post, weather information, GPS signals, transactional records of online purchases and so much more. This big data is called Big Data.
The concept, as it is currently defined, encompasses a set of technologies and practices intended to store very large masses of data and analyze them very quickly.

The use of big data brings new horizons in many areas: marketing, finance, politics, commerce. Thanks to analytical tools and data modelling, we perform trend or predictive analysis, draw up profiles, anticipate risks and monitor phenomena in real time.

Big Data at the service of your business

Big Data is a revolution for marketing departments. We are talking about predictive marketing, predictive marketing will allow process the data collected on the habits of your customers and their future needs. This anticipation of behavior will become a real asset to best meet their needs and thus produce more efficiently.

Big data opens up new horizons in marketing. Companies are using it to personalize messages to the extreme and reach the right people at the right time. The objective, an optimized return on investment of advertising campaigns.

Other big data applications

1- Big Data & HR

HR departments receive thousands of applications, thanks to Big Data, they can target behaviors and identify potential candidates ahead of recruitment .
They sort the most interesting profiles using data collected on social networks and online databases.

2- Big Data & financial services

Determine a person’s ability to repay a loan: This is a concern as old as banking. And it is a subject on which appear new actors who work using Big Data.

3. Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance makes it possible to reduce the maintenance costs of industrial installations thanks to Big Data. Indeed, thanks to the implementation of sensors on machines, companies can now use the data to plan machine maintenance.

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Although initially the prerogative of large groups such as Google, Facebook or Amazon, Big Data allows SMEs to make them more productive, more profitable and more powerful. SMBs are generally more agile and are able to act faster on data-driven insights. In addition, they can have access to this data.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier